Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Since this is my last semester of middle school (I can't believe it-- I don't wanna grow up!!), I've been working on my high school applications.  Ugh, I hate writing essays.  Actually I just hate introductions and conclusions, but still.  I got about five hours of sleep last night!  Ah well, it's over, I refuse to think about it anymore.
Anyone ever watched the show 'House of Anubis'?  Over the (3 day) weekend, I watched the entire first season on Netflix!! I'm not really sure what I think about it.  It's really cheesy, and the cameras aren't very good, and the acting could be A LOT better, but it's so addicting, and I love it!  It's either horrible or amazing.  Anyway, that's my most recent obsession.
I'm first chair viola still!  I was freaking out a bit because we had a chair test today, but I still won!  IN YOUR FACE, SECOND CHAIR!! There's only three of us, but I love our section.  I'm so glad I switched over from violin.
Here are some awesome photos from my desktop that I found from National Geographic I think...:

Adorable, right?

Anyway, I think that's it.  I just wanted to update, say some things on my mind.  : )
~Emma the Rose~

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Leviathan Book Trailer

Okay, just warning you, this is incredibly cheesy, but it'll give you the general idea.  I LOVE DERYN SHARP!!!  SHE IS AMAZING!!

Barking Spiders!

Dance Dress

I realized that I never uploaded a pic of my new dress.  Sure, I probably won't wear it to the Oireachtas like I'd hoped, but I can at least show you guys.
It's a really bad picture, because I just held up my computer to take it, and it kinda sucks.  The background is my wall where it's hanging up for now.  But, anyway, I like the dress well enough, so here it is:
~Emma the Dancing Rose Who Cannot Dance (at the moment)~

Not a Happy Camper... : (

So, October hasn't been the best month of my life so far.  As you may or may not know, I'm still a Girl Scout.  I'm in a troop with three other girls, and we have a pretty good time because we usually just hang out and go camping.
Anyway, we were at Camp Texlake the last weekend (it's thursday now) and we were having TONS of fun.  We were writing this story, but I probably shouldn't talk about that... Anyway, it was the second evening (Saturday) and we walked down to the beach part and it was really pretty and everything.  We started down cartwheels and round-offs, even though they kinda hurt our back because the sand was so stiff.  And then, I did a cartwheel, and my leg popped twice and I fell (actually, I did this cool sort of ninja roll-- it was pretty sweet!) and my knee's all messed up now.  It stinks!  See, two years ago, I did the same sort of thing to my knee playing soccer (darn PE) and I missed the chance to go to the Oireachtas, which is a fancy word for a big Irish Dance competition that's usually not in Austin.  I got past it, didn't compete, and now I'm in the same situation.  My knee isn't as bad, but the stakes are much higher.  I just bought a new dress and new shoes, and it's in Orlando, and my mom was going to take me to Harry Potter World, which is like my absolute dream!  I'm walking on a crutch (it used to be two) and I'm really worried that I won't be able to dance.  I'm getting a MRI scan on Monday, and then the next Monday (Halloween) I get the results.  I'm really scared!
I'm sure something else has happened, but I just can't think of anything.  Wait, little minor details:
--We remodeled our bathroom!  And yes, I know nobody cares!
--The eighth grade to a field trip to MAC High School, very fun...
--NJHS is holding a Halloween dance for 28th of October! (I'll still be on crutches though...)
--The orchestra played a concert at MAC last night.  It was really fun to see all the Lamar graduates... : )
--I'm learning how to play viola!  Well, I know how to, I mean I'm starting to play it at concerts instead of violin
--My room is a mess!  (Yet again.)

Well, that was random...  Oh!  I almost forgot!  YOU NEED TO READ LEVIATHAN BY SCOTT WESTERFELD!!
Oh my, it is the greatest book series ever!  The author sighed my shoes!!  YAY!!
"Midshipman Dylan Sharp, at your service!"  Read the books to understand what I'm talking about.  I'll post a picture from one of the books, so you can see the person who says that line.  She riding a Huxley. Read the books and it will make so much more sense...
I'm talking a lot, and quite quickly too.  Sorry if I'm not making any sense.  I'm just writing whatever pops into my head... Heehee. : )
Love ya!
~Emma the Rose~

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

First Week of School

So, school started last Monday (it is now a Tuesday) and here are my feelings:
asjfd;oasihfo ang;infvwejfioanejweoinjvewn-WHERE DID SUMMER GO???
Yes, those random letters expressed my, well, for lack of a better word, need-of-random-letters.
I have Science first with a really cool teacher that I had in sixth grade
Algebra second with an cool but hard teacher.  I'm kind of worried I'm going to fail this class.
English is third period, with an awesome young teacher that I love!! She loves Harry Potter, like me, and we have the same music preferences, and I just have a feeling we're going to get along very well.
Fourth I have Spanish with one of my favorite teachers.  She's strict, but really nice if you behave.
Fifth I have Speech, with I loathe.  It's really boring, but since I only have it for a semester, I can get by.
Sixth period I have History, which is a problem.  History is a boring subject for me, and sixth period is always the time my lack of sleep catches up with me.  It's also a dark classroom.  I have already fallen asleep.
And finally, orchestra is seventh period.  We have a really small class due to the graduation of the eighth graders.  We suck right now, but hopefully we can get better soon.

I auditioned for an after school choir yesterday because I couldn't take choir during the school year due to PE and Speech.  I got in!!! Yay!  I'm excited.

I'm mad that we don't have block schedule anymore, because it was easier having to only do half your homework one day and then the other half the next.  It's much more overwhelming now.

In my Irish Dance life, I have the Oireachtas coming up, which is a huge regional competition in Orlando Florida.  I'm really nervous, but I'm trying to stay focused.  I'm getting a new dress, which will most likely be bright green and pink.  If I do indeed get it, I'll post a picture.

Sorry I haven't written in a while.  With everything going on, it's been hard to focus.  Besides, maybe one or two people are reading this, so it doesn't matter.  That's good, because I wrote this really quickly.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Our Green Thumb...

Go Green!
I get weekly updates from NRDC (Natural Resources Defense Council) and I found this article online.

Actors Taking Action!

I just can't believe what people do to animals nowadays.  It's stupid.  No one person can find a solution to solve all of our problems.  We all have to work together to do our part to save the environment.  If we continue the way we do, we will soon (not in our lifetime or anything, but soon in the whole general scheme of the universe) make our world inhabitable, and not only will we destroy our own species, but we will bring thousands of other species down with us.  Check out NRDC online:


Tuesday, May 17, 2011

May 17th...

Just got back from Irish Dance class.  My teacher said I'm improving tremendously and I will be an excellent senior dancer someday.  Yay!!  It's Tuesday and last Friday (The 13th!!  *Spooky Music*) was my last Beauty and the Beast performance.  I was soo sad!!!  Hannah McChesney went, as well as other friends you don't know (unless you're one of them or you stalk me) as well as my choir teacher Ms. Starkey!!  She's amazing and she gave me a beautiful rose which I thank her for.  I wanted to cry during the last song of the play, because I was so said it was going to be over and I wouldn't see those guys for the entire summer!  : (  Well, now I have something to look forward to again (Strange that all the things I look forward to have to do with theater...) Tomorrow, Wednesday, the seventh grade is going on a field trip to Austin Parks (And Pizzas).  I'm excited to miss school, but of all the places we could've gone, Austin Parks???? Really?  Anyway, it's better than school.  Anyway, after the field trip, I have to stay after school till 6:00 for a Disney Darling Dress Rehearsal (I'm working backstage)  I'm excited because I want to have experience working as a techie.  Then next week the final show is taking place, and the weekend after that, I'm driving up to Kansas to get my new puppy!!! YAY!!  Right now, I just want to get the thing and stop having to prepare for it... UGH!  Hopefully school will go downhill from now.  By the way, if anyone knows a good summer job I could get as a 13-year-old, I would very much appreciate it!  I need money for theater in the fall, and, judging by how much I write about it in here, you know I love theater and it would mean so much to me!! Thanks!!
~Emma the Rose~